All-natural, organic product is made out of whole-kernel corn. It contains no clays, silicas, perfumes, or chemicals, making its safety a nonissue. The strong ammonia smell associated with repeated litter tray use is nonexistent since the all-natural litter product absorbs all odors. Users can simply clean out litter tray clumps and flush them since the clumps instantly fall apart once exposed to water. Completely biodegradable. Tracking is absolutely minimal and the dust-free issue looms large since neither the cat nor the owner is exposed to dust and potential inhalation. Absolute odor control. Safe for cats and cat owners. No clay or silica dust, 99% dust-free. Multiple cat clumping formula. No sticky litter box residue. Organic, 100% natural and flushable. Stays fresher, lasts much longer. Available in 2 sizes, sealed shocked bags.